Welcome in Aussois, Savoie (France) - SSMPG 2022

The SSMPG 2022 workshop will provide a comprehensive overview on software and statistical methods for detecting genes involved in local adaptation and for predicting maladaptation to future climate.

Attendees will have the opportunity to explore methods by studying simulated data. Plenty of time will be devoted to discuss ideas, best practices and methodological weaknesses of these techniques. They will contribute to the development of robust methods for estimating population vulnerability to climate change.

The summer school will take place in Aussois, a charming, small village in the Vanoise National Park (French Alps). The remote setting, along with the challenging program, were chosen to promote and enhance the communication and interaction between teachers and participants. Lectures and software demos will provide the necessary environment to generate lively discussions and initiate new synergies among the young researchers.

This is the fourth edition of the summer school. The summer school will start at dinner time on Monday, September 19 and will end at breakfast time on Friday, September 23. A data challenge will be organised to promote learning of statistical software and methods. Participants will work in teams and collaborate with each other to analyse simulated and real datasets.

Participants will have the opportunity to present their own research during poster sessions. Participants have to bring their own laptop in order to be able to participate in the data challenge

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